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Monday, January 03, 2005

Tsunami Disaster

All I would like to say at this time is that Asian people need to learn to freakin' swim. Honestly. It's just a wave, people! Let's get with the program here!!! Oh yeah, and Napoleon Dynamite is a freakin' sweet movie. Just gettin that out there.

--The Tsunami-Impervious Brendan

3 people should've kept to themselves:

Anonymous Anonymous thought this was important...

Somehow, I managed to get onto your site. Though tasteless, I must admit that I found many of the articles hilariously funny... This one, however, on the Tsunami tragedy in Asia, is simply cruel and insensitive. I know that you can't honestly think that the deaths of over 150,000 people were the result of lack of swimming skills... but I still find it sad that you look to an international tragedy in which Americans and Europeans were also killed for something to poke fun at... Shame on you Luc... Seriously... And by the way, Napoleon Dynamite was one of the worst films of the year... But about the Tsunami again... "It's just wave" !!?? What the hell is going on in your head? When's the last time you stood infront of a cavalcade of several fifty-foot high walls of water, having one smash into you after the other, knocking you unconscious and sucking you out to see where there is no refuge? Gertrude Erdele and Johnny Weissmuller could swim there ways out of that... Not to mention the fact that when a wave of that magnitude recedes it takes everything with it... Just get out there and tread water, huh? You idiot... Just think, the number of people who died in 9/11 is around 6,000... This is 150,000... And you're trying to make us laugh at it... You ought to feel like a heel, you swine...

1/03/2005 8:12 PM

Blogger Scott thought this was important...

Ok, you freakin' assholes. Here's how it's gonna be: Sure, Brendan's input on the tsunami- slightly insensitive, probably inappropriate, but funny nonetheless. First of all, it's our fuckin' site and we will say what we like. Ok, secondly, yeah it's a tragedy, but that's why it's called a tragedy, because it's tragic. I don't need you to fucking explain to me the dynamics of a fucking tidal wave. I fully understand the death and destruction that the fucking thing caused, but where you there? Huh? Do you have a history of personal experience with tidal waves? So what makes us any less capable of understanding the fucking thing? We get it. We mourn. We make jokes. We get over it. There's nothing you can do to stop it. So what would you do face to face with a 50-foot high wall of seawater? Stand there and cower and run like a fucking imbecile? Or stand and laugh and take it head-on? I'd prefer to die standing. And finally, as a substitute for Napoleon Dynamite, I'd like to propose Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I think that's something we can all agree on.

1/03/2005 8:51 PM

Blogger brendan o'connor thought this was important...

I would like to retract my earlier statement about Napolean Dynamite. After watching it a second time, I realized that it does, in fact, suck. Thank you. Oh, and I would also like to retract my apology for my insensitivity. Suck it up, asshole.

6/04/2005 3:32 PM


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