Dis iz fo' real, peepz
(Formerly known as "This is for real, people")
Do you know what really pisses me off? (Besides MTV, emo, and vegetarians) Well as I sit here eating my bowl of Honey Smacks and reading random blogs, it occurs to me, once again, just how stupid people are. Why cannot anyone type in normal English? And I'm not talking about sensible abbreviation or typos. I'm talking about removing portions of words so that they only sort of resemble the word phonetically. For example;
iz = is
da = the
kewl = cool
itz = it's
peeps = people or friends
fo = for
dis = this
dat = that
Seriously, do you freaking idoits think that not typing one letter is actually saving you time? The 2 fucking seconds you saved by omitting that one f-ing letter is completely nullified by the fact that I have to spend 2.3 minutes frickin' deciphering your god-damn sentence! And furthermore, anyone who thinks that such idiocy makes them "sound hip" - it doesn't. It makes you sound like a fuckin' retard trying to play Boggle.
- Scott "Get Your Fucking Act Together" Clayton
7 people should've kept to themselves:
yO pEeP, u RcK!!
Yeah, you're right. It sucks.
1/11/2005 8:56 PM
amen to that
1/11/2005 9:31 PM
I would like to cite this blog as being completely f-ing retarted. Also, I should point out that no, I repeat NO blog should have stars, sparkles, or any kind of multi-colored damn-near-impossible-to-read gay-ass block font.
And furthermore, why do you have a blog if you have nothing constructive to add to the Internet? I don't care about your life. Entertain me or die.
1/11/2005 9:43 PM
ty, scott, eat had 2 b sed. werd.
1/16/2005 11:20 AM
wow scotty. you sound like Nunan
1/17/2005 4:03 PM
Fuck you.
Anyway, I almost forgot another thing:
people (girls especially) spelling normal words that should end in a -y with an -ii. such as sexii, and funii and stuff like that. that is retarted
1/17/2005 9:02 PM
I hate that too, Scott. But I'm a vegetarian and I love me some EMO, so you suck. <3 shellie
1/18/2005 9:07 PM
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