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Saturday, June 11, 2005

It Gives You Wings

I have made a major discovery. I was sitting around at work, when we decide to crack open a few Red Bulls. "Why?" you ask. Why not? Now I am not a fan of energy drinks, mainly because it is a big scam. They bottle sugar water and sell it as Kazaam! or some other crap name like that. So, not being a fan of energy drinks, I had never actually had a Red Bull before. After a few sips, and once initial vomit taste subsided, I made this discovery: Red Bull is piss. Really. I am fairly confident that Red Bull is actually carbonated bull pee cleverly disguised as an energy drink. Firstly, it smells like piss. Trust me, it's bad. Secondly, it looks like piss. A heavy yellow color. A little dark, but perhaps that's just how bull piss is. I wouldn't know. But here is what confirmed my suspicions. On the front of the can, in blatent white letters it says "With Taurine". Now, I have never heard of Taurine, and therefore, it must not exist. Using my superior knowledge of Latin, I assure you that the Latin word for bull is taurus. Bull urine. Taurus urine. Taurine. They made that word up. It also states on the front of the can that it"Vitalizes Body and Mind" This may be true. But if so, it is not because of all the vitamins and sugar in it. It is because of the energy-inducing powers of carbonated bull urine. So the next time you are out, buy one, drink it. You will prove my major discovery: Red Bull is piss.

- Scott "Tastes Like Cough Syrup" Clayton

15 people should've kept to themselves:

Blogger Blog ho thought this was important...

it's not red? i've never had it for the afore stated reasons...bull piss and sugar water. i've heard people mix it with vodka, though. did you? i suspect it would add value to mix.

6/11/2005 11:16 AM

Blogger Scott thought this was important...

I like to mix it with Goldschlager.

That ups the value a hundredfold.

I call it Gold Bull.

6/14/2005 4:10 PM

Blogger Will thought this was important...

I agree blog ho, i thought it was red as well. Maybe I just got bull menstruation, rather than bull piss. But yeah, Red Bull does suck. Even More than blog Ho's mom.

6/16/2005 8:19 PM

Blogger brendan o'connor thought this was important...

I had the Mountain Dew version of the proverbial energy drink once, and it made me sleepy.

6/16/2005 8:55 PM

Blogger Scott thought this was important...

That's because yours was laced with date-rape drugs.


6/16/2005 11:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous thought this was important...

Taurine (from taurus = ox, as it was discovered in ox bile) or 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid is an acidic chemical substance found in bile which acts as an emulsifier for ingested lipids and assists in their absorption.


6/20/2005 12:25 PM

Blogger Scott thought this was important...

Thank you for enlightening us Pellegrino.

Ox bile, huh?

I'd rather it have been bull piss.

6/20/2005 10:15 PM

Blogger Christopher D. Bate thought this was important...

Red Bull didn't give me wings. It gave me extra legs and a snout. Pointless.

6/23/2005 7:49 AM

Blogger CaCaBoy thought this was important...

Aha! I knew it was Piss-in -a-can! They gave me a free sample, and I swear it DID taste like I threw up in my mouth!

6/27/2005 7:58 PM

Blogger Saucy Monk thought this was important...

i am convince its piss. Not just regular piss either. the dirty piss of some drunken homeless dude who's been subsisting on nothing but lighter fluid, small pebbles and pizza crusts dug from garbage cans. Oh, and he's got a kidney infection as well.

7/11/2005 5:08 PM

Blogger Erik thought this was important...

Last summer I was handed a free red bull by some marketing chips stationed inside of my office building. I tried one sip and had the exact same mental thought as you, i.e. the pissy quality of the drink.

I couldn't even swallow it. I did a speed walk to the bathroom and spit it out, verily.

7/14/2005 2:33 PM

Blogger Anti-Blogger thought this was important...

So, what you are saying is...bull urine is bad?

7/25/2005 2:21 PM

Blogger J. Alfred Prufrock thought this was important...

Guys, let's face it - anybody who's sucker enough to drink Red Bull probably deserves it anyway.

And about your earlier post with the towels, I too thought Douglas Adams was IT. Till I discovered Terry Pratchett.


7/28/2005 4:16 AM

Blogger popfizz thought this was important...

hmmm.. maybe someone spilled some red bull on my bed. i probably should have at least checked into that before i kicked the cat.

8/12/2005 4:08 PM

Blogger brendan o'connor thought this was important...

To: Ad Bots
From: Brendan
Re: Douchebaggery

To whom it may concern,



Thank you.

11/07/2005 7:03 PM


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